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Posts tagged ‘Week In Review’

Week In Review – If I went bald, it would be Clay’s fault!

I cooked all day long!

Okay, I took a break from 3 to 4.
Eating right sure is a lot more effort.
But I’ll have ready-made good stuff for a long time!
Wait, how long does good stuff keep? continue reading…

Week In Review – Visiting

I’m in the mountains of waaayyy southwest Virginia,
spending the weekend with my friend Vicki and her husband, Tony.
It’s snowing today (snow!) , so we stayed indoors with a project.
We cleared out and cleaned up and moved furniture
to create a new office space for Vicki’s new business.
It was fun, and it inspired me to do the same at my home.

Driving back home today, I extended my 5 and a half hour drive
by another hour and a half when I immediately got on the wrong exit.
I wasn’t paying a bit of attention to what I was doing!
I just got on 81 at the first ramp I saw.  What an idiot.
But I figured it out as soon as I saw a sign that said,
“Welcome to Tennessee”. continue reading…

Week In Review – so far, so good

I know you want to hear about how I’ve put mothballs under the hood of my car, or how I was painting yesterday and had a crazy moment where I  thought the walls were mad at me.  But I’m not going to tell you either of those things.  Instead, I’m going to recap how the New Year’s Resolutions are going.

I know you’re excited, but please save all applause until the end. continue reading…

Week In Review – Flat tired and chewy wired

I’m tired this morning because I stayed up way too late last night.
First, I went on Wikipedia (I heart you Wikipedia) and read the synopsis
for every single episode 
of The Walking Dead.
You know, because I’m nuts.
Second, I read blogs and watched Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
in an attempt to wash my brain. continue reading…